Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Life Beyond Morgellons: It's there, but you have to fight for it.

Three years post, and life is nearly still as traumatizing as it was.  March, 2010, near death with an unexplained eye infection that had infiltrated my brain.  Left for dead.  BUT I FOUGHT!  And, still do to this day.

While I've overcome the outward symptoms - the pain, and the fear, what remains is the psychological toll that becoming ill with an "illness" that the Centers for Disease Control won't even address, has taken on me.

I post as often as I find it within me.  I act, react, and spill my soul to the unknown in the hopes that it will save just one soul.  I pray to all the Gods above, not knowing which one will answer.


Believe in yourself first.  Find the strength to believe in others.  Understand God's will and path for us all, and we will find peace.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Chemtrails, Not Only in the USA - World Wide!

When was the last time you stared up at the sky, whether day or night?  Ever noticed the cross-hatching of "jet airliner vapor trails?"  Well, FYI, vapor trails dissipate, chemtrails do not.  They leave a very distinct pattern, most often cross-hatched, in the sky.  They can be noted during the day or nighttime hours.
Many believe them to be organizations attempting to control the weather patterns by using aluminum oxide.  Perhaps to control global warming and drought.  But many others, including the organization behind this video, believe, if not know, that we, the little people, are experimental rats in a maze controlled by "super powers," out-of-control, privately owned mega corporations, and, sadly enough,  our own governments.  And this "phenomenon" is worldwide.

Morgellons was on Rachael Ray?

Haven't verified that Morgellons was on the Rachael Ray show.  But intend to do so.  Just wanted to post this latest YouTube video immediately.


Legal Hope for Morgellons Sufferers?

While the below content of this post is a bit on the old side, I personally know the individual who wrote this piece.  She has been fighting for those suffering from Morgellons for years. 

I am just beginning to research if there have been additional legal cases filed, and what the outcome(s) were, if any were filed and brought to trial.

Public recognition of this debilitating disease is a victory in itself.  However, proof that the legal system is willing to acknowledge those that are stricken with Morgellons is an even bigger VICTORY, and security of mind for those who are unable to function in their normal capacities.  The security of knowing that there may be legal hope for Morgellons sufferers is huge, and may be the only ray of hope on their daily horizon.

While many who have suffered from the disease have made full, or nearly full recoveries.  Many others don't, and may never be able to return to their normal daily activities of work, family and more.  For those whose immune systems render them unable to overcome Morgellons, I hope my research will provide much needed assistance and answers for your future.  I will post the evidence as I find it.

Keep the faith!


Morgellons – A Mundane Approach

We won a Landmark Case yesterday in Court, in the 5th Judicial Circuit Court, of the State of Florida.  Dragonfly got her Social Security Benefits retroactive up to 6 months after her initial diagnosis in 2006 and MEDICARE retroactive 6 months from the loss of her insurance. 

I submitted a Letter from Ginny Waite Brown to the CDC,  all Documentation, Deborah Auschullers Collembola study and even Joes research.  THANK YOU JOE KELEHER, BECAUSE JOE DOESN’T WRITE SLOW, HE MAKES SENSE.

It took 4 years of work and the judge rendered the verdict in 8 minutes and 50 seconds.  He said Morgellons three times. People have got to save every medical record and any information calling them delusional, take photographs and save them. The Judge just happened to be here on assignment from Tulsa and her file was 5 inches thick.


Our Attorney knew more about this disease than any attorney and his brief was impeccable, sensible, no conspiracy theories.  HE WAS A SAINT sent from God. After our win I stood in the parking lot and cried for a half an hour and just hugged the Attorney.  It appears he asked to take the case because Dragonfly was a local personality and he had seen her during her well years on TV.  His comment, when I asked him what he thought was, "The way these people have been treated is horrific and it is appalling."

We have a conference with a nationwide law firm next Tuesday and I will be able to ascertain how many other cases they can take on.  Now that we have set a Florida precedence on a non existent (according to many Doctors) disease,  we just trumped the CDC.  We had photos, Raman graphs, disks documenting her progressive deterioration, the Body Bugs Films (thank you Patrick Fraser) and every lab and also doctors notes where she was called DOP.  Dragonfly was exceptional, honest, and exhausted,  a win for one, we hope will be a win for all.

